Poet, Essayist, Photographer, Naturalist

Author: Gary Weiner

Don’t Blame Air

Where smoke goes depends on air. Air carries the smoke. No smoke, air is still there. We only notice air when smoke mixes with it. Don’t blame air. The fault is with the smoke. Take cigarettes. We see smoke on the exhale. Take cold weather, we see breath on the exhale. Don’t blame air for these experiences. Air is innocent. Air gets the blame for pollution. Air is very compassionate and will hold just about anything lighter than itself.  The reason for all this is simple. We don’t notice air because it’s invisible. Clouds…yes, air does a nice job with water. Fog is air holding water near the ground. Who get s the blame/ AIR. The trick is to appreciate air when it is clean and clear. Twelve times a minute, we inhale air. Do you notice that?. Not really. Air is taken for grant it when there’s no smoke. Air takes the blame for noise. Air supports bird flight, airplane flight, air helps sail boats. All this means that when there’s a huge dust storm, air takes the blame. Give air a break. Air needs us and we need it.


Tom Stock

June 9. 2023

Itty Bitty Ditties


Pop gun
Water gun
Toy gun
Blow gun
No gun


Easy isn’t easy
Faster – yes
Forgot the past
Where harder was easy


Feeds birds
Makes sandwiches
Fresh toast
Uses the whole loaf


Too lazy, leave ignition on
Just a few minutes
Run our of gas?
Make more carbon dioxide


They are called vocal cords
Actual talking
It’s called social


Flip flops
Butt cracks
Floppy pants
Try a ballet


Lean on your horn
Give ‘em the finger
Don’t use turn signal
Muffler extra loud
Tailgate – in a hurry
Fucking idiots


Mow it
Fertilize it
Rake it
Blow it
Kill it


Hanging out on corners
Staring at smart phones
Staying together
Clothes all alike
Waiting to grow up


Look in the closets
Look in the garage
Look in the cans
Look at the curb
It’s called materialism


Line up for drugs
Pay for the drugs
Open the capsule
Take the drugs

Nothing better to do:
Tom stock, February 24, 2023

A Fabulous Greenbelt Walk- Part 1

A late May walk is memorable for several reasons. Much of the landscape is vegetation with crisp, new leaves, not yet eaten by insects, many shades of green, and a variety of textures. This is migration time for birds. I was walking in a botanical museum. I am part of the Carls River Corridor.

Warblers were singing in the forest canopy. I decided to walk from Babylon Village up to Belmont Lake State Park and back, six miles total. The trail is wide and slightly elevated. When Southern State Parkway was constructed and Belmont Lake State Park opened, fill was layed down to create a path through an extensive wetland.

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